
Deep Learning Model

At the heart of the program is the interaction between students, teachers and creative practitioners and the fine balance between the curriculum, creative practices, the development of the Five Habits of Learning, General Capabilities and the activation of creative learning spaces within schools.

The Five Habits of Learning

Creative Schools nurtures in young people imagination, inquisitiveness, discipline, persistence and collaboration, the ‘Five Habits of Learning’ all successful learners share.  These five habits map directly to the General Capabilities in the WA curriculum

High Functioning Learning Space

At the heart of the program is the interaction between students, teachers and creative practitioners and the fine balance between the curriculum, creative practices, the development of Five Habits of Learning, general capabilities and the activation of creative learning spaces within schools.

Warm Up Toolkit

We know we need to prepare our bodies before we exercise, but did you know we also need to prepare our minds before learning and getting creative?

At Creative Schools we begin with a short warm up before each session. Warm ups are intended to develop the social, emotional, physical and intellectual engagement of students in their experience of learning, as well as assist in relaxation and stress reduction. They are a fun and inviting way for a class to connect with one another and expel excess energy in preparation for the activities that follow in the session.

With the support of
Healthway and the expertise of the educators and creative practitioners participating in Creative Schools, we’ve developed two free learning resources full of warm-ups you can try in your classroom.

Leading for Creativity

In 2020, Creative Schools partnered with global thought leader Professor Bill Lucas to deliver Professional Learning for school leaders participating in the program. Valuable discussions were had around inspiring learning in students and meaningful ways of embedding Critical and Creative Thinking across all subject areas of the curriculum on a whole school level.

This culminated in a publication that brings together learnings from attempts to embed creativity in schools across the world with insights from the experiences of schools in Western Australia.


Creative School Leadership

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Leading for Creativity


Field Guide

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Evidence of Impact

The impact Creative Schools has had on the learning and lives of its participants can be seen in evidenced based outcomes of case studies of the program.

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Melville Primary School
Year 6
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Melville Primary School
Year 3
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, Science, Math, English
Kinross Primary School
Year 5
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Hillcrest Primary School
Year 3
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Highgate Primary School
Year 3
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Highgate Primary School
Year 6
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Governor Stirling Senior High School
Year 10
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, Science
Governor Stirling Senior High School
Year 7
Persistence, Inquisitiveness
Donnybrook District Highschool
Year 7
Year 8
Collaboration, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
Science, English
Churchlands Primary School
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, English
Churchlands Primary School
Year 2
Year 3
Collaboration, Persistence, Inquisitiveness
HASS, English
Brookman Primary School
Year 2
Year 3
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Imagination
HASS, English
Boyare Primary School
Year 5
Year 6
HASS, Science, Math, English
Boyare Primary School
Year 2
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
English, Science
Brookman Primary School
Year 5
Year 6
HASS, Science, English
North Fremantle Primary School
Year 1
Collaboration, Persistence, Discipline, Inquisitiveness, Imagination
HASS, Science, Math, English
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