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Persistent, Disciplined, Imaginative, Together | Creative Schools

Persistent, Disciplined, Imaginative, Together. December 19, 2022. By. Andrea Tenger. Louise Halls. Share this article: Creative’s Name: Andrea Tenger. Creative Practice(s): Visual Artist. School: Camboon Primary School. Teacher’s Name: Louise Halls.

We Are All Stardust & Zoo ‘zines | Creative Schools

I’m learning to be more imaginative. The teacher says ‘how can you be more imaginative?’ We created monsters and mine is not what you would expect. Mine has so many things you would not expect.

Imagination Garden | Creative Schools

Imagination Garden. January 21, 2025. By. Kristy Nita Brown. Laura Yeoh. Share this article: PROJECT TITLE: Imagination Garden. Term 3, 2024. School Name: Willetton Primary School. Teacher’s Name: Laura Yeoh. Year Group: 1. Number of students: 22.

Maths, Measuring Time and Money & English, Lego Masters Persuasive Writing | Creative Schools

“Mr Shaw is strongest at persistent and imaginative. He helps us when we need it, he never gives up. He’s very imaginative when we are doing art, he uses his imagination when he made the tower. His tower was the biggest in the class.” (Student).

My Creature Adventure | Creative Schools

Creating Texts – Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative, and persuasive texts choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience.

Responding to Poetry & Myths and Legends | Creative Schools

“Creative Schools is helping me be more creative and imaginative. Usually, I want things neat and perfect. This is pushing me outside of my comfort zone.” (Student). What happened: Responding to Poetry.

Westfield Park After Dark | Creative Schools

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience.

Blog | Creative Schools

Imaginative. Disciplined. Maths. Hass. CASE STUDIES. SEE ALL. Stay up to date. Subscribe. Join Newsletter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim. Sign Up.

What if? A Time Travel Choose Your Own Adventure in 1800s Western Australia | Creative Schools

This class was initially eager to learn but could not readily access the Five Habits and struggled in particular with being collaborative and imaginative (they were used to having one correct answer, not a multitude).

The Environment and Senses | Creative Schools

A suitcase placed in different spaces each week created an opportunity to invite curiosity and imagination what might be found within it but also to reconsider their suggestions and what the probability of them being correct was.